Surprise Supper Guests
Morik rushes back towards the horses, which are milling around is agitation from being attacked by the wolves and their groom Gavath nearly being murdered (and still unconscious out in the darkness).
Belany looks on the dwindling glow of the wagon disappearing into the woods with tears welling up in her flinty eyes. kar'Javon and Swelvie have rolled Gunter over and are attempting to treat his wounds. Turnip has apparently heard and understood Morik's cries, as he's running to get one of the horses. The halfling's little legs and slight weight mean that he's calming and leading the horse too slowly to meet the druid this turn; if Morik continues next turn, he'll meet the horse that Turnip is bringing with just 10' further movement. Morik hears a barrage of queries as he runs past the people of the caravan.
Jalon: "Where's Gavath? Has anyone seen Gavath?"
Dugal, to Morik: "What's happened to Belany's wagon? Do you think you can still get it back?"
Findal: "I think this must be what happened to the Royal Courier!"
Meanwhile, at the wagon, straining, his nostrils thick with the ripe animal scent of this furry monster, Bramlin continues his throttling of the large creature, as it tosses its head and tries to break free.
The monster tries to break free, slowing its stride so that the wagon only moves 45' further this round. "Gotta...gak!...hey...!" The large monster shrugs Bramlin off of his neck as he slows and turns to look at the adventurers, his long equine face contorted with hurt, confusion, and a growing rage. "Who...are you guys...? What didja do wid my friends?" Elowin now recognizes that this is a variety of ogre, called an ungual ogre.
Elowin promptly stabs into the ogre again, dealing 11 piercing damage, and then 2 more with a detonation as the monsters legs continue to stride forward.
What is Adran doing? I'll follow up with Princess and the end of the round after the artificer goes.
Monster's Athletics check DC18 - (1d20+6)
(14) + 6 = 20
Monster Athletics check DISADV - (1d20+6)
(18) + 6 = 24
Adran cuts into a hawser, which would normally take a long time except that it's under such strain that he saws halfway through and the rope snaps the rest of the way with a TWANG! The ungual ogre takes two more strides and the harness tears off of him. The large ogre stops, turning the rest of the way around as the tongue of the wagon drops into the turf of the forest floor and punches in. The tongue snaps with a CRACK! and the wagon rocks forward, crunching to a stop so abruptly that everyone on the wagon - Adran, Bramlin, Elowin, Princess - must make DEX saves (DC15) to not be knocked prone. Princess is thrown out of the wagon and lands on the ground in front of the now-halted wagon, her fall cushioned by the thick bed of decaying needles and leaves from the trees all around. She rolls to a stop and then scrambles backwards and to her feet as the ungual ogre roars.
Princess DEX save DC15 - (1d20+5)
(6) + 5 = 11
Sorry for all the hurtin’ we had to put on you. But we’ll let you go, no more harm done, bygones bygones and all that, if you tell us who you’re working for and where they are.
That’s as good a deal as you’ll get. You’re welcome.
Dex - (1d20+2)
(11) + 2 = 13
Persuasion - (1d20+3)
(11) + 3 = 14
DEX Save - (1d20+4)
(8) + 4 = 12
Dex - Save DC15 - (1d20+4)
(13) + 4 = 17
Adran cuts the rope, the harness snaps, and the tongue of the wagon drops into the dirt. The wagon crashes to a stop, skewing to one side and almost rolling. Bramlin, Adran, and Princess are thrown from the wagon and skid to a stop in the thick sediment of moldering leaves the cake the forest floor. But when the impact came, Elowin grabbed the crossbeam of the wagon and pulled herself back down when her feet left the wagon bed momentarily. Princess scrambles backwards as the ogre roars, and stands by the motionless wagon, looking around for another throwing weapon. Bramlin rolls over, preparing to stand, and fast-talks the ogre.
"No, I can't do that," the ogre replies, shaking his equine head, "Zik wouldn't like it if I told ya anything about his camp and all da stuff he got from dose other wagons. I'm just spose ta pull da wagon back to da camp, but now I guess I havta crush ya."

Gunter is stable.
Princess is standing by the wagon, sword in hand, ready to stab or verbally harass the ogre as needed.
Elowin is on her feet in the wagon.
Adran and Bramlin are prone on the ground. It takes half a move to stand up.
The ungual ogre is 10' from Adran and Bramlin, 20' from Princess and Elowin.
What do you each do for round eight?
On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (6/13) PRONE
On 16: Ungual ogre lost 38 HP so far
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10) PRONE
On 6: Gunter (0/10) stabilized
On 4: Princess (9/9)
Have it your way then, Bram replies to the ogre. Striding ten feet forward (south), our fightery fellow attempts to give business-end of blade to the monster!
Longsword! - (1d20+6)
(1) + 6 = 7
Advantage! - (1d20+6)
(18) + 6 = 24
Dmg - (1d8+4)
(6) + 4 = 10
Also @WhiteDwarf I assume that the ogre is still glowing from Morik's Faerie Fire so you should have advantage on that attack, unless DM says otherwise.
Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)
(1) + 6 = 7
Attack (Advantage?) - (1d20+6)
(20) + 6 = 26
Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)
(1) + 4 = 5
Also @WhiteDwarf I assume that the ogre is still glowing from Morik's Faerie Fire so you should have advantage on that attack, unless DM says otherwise.
Also, I do still need to see that Animal Handling check for Morik.
Elowin raises her bow and launches her arrow. The head and shaft sinks deep into the ogres leg.
Do you give up?
Longbow - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)
1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21
1d8+4 : (5) + 4 = 9
Morik meets Turnip and leaps onto the back of the horse, grabbing the mane, wheels the beast, and with a "HA!" and a squeeze of the thighs, he launches the horse into the trees at a canter.
Bramlin rises, drawing his "smaller" sword, and springs forward to hack into the ungual ogre as it is turning, dealing 10 slashing damage!
The ungual ogre punches at the fighter with a fist the size of a barrel! But just then Elowin looses her arrow, which punches right through the ogre's knee, and the giant collapses with a bray of pain and terror. Its deadly blow misses her brother by an inch!
Adran lunges forward and sinks his dagger in the monster's eye. The ogre's bray rises in pitch into a shrill, whinnying shriek, and the huge body flails its limbs for a moment as the ungual ogre dies.
When it's clear that the ogre isn't getting up again, Princess blows a little victory trill on her shawm, and several seconds later the party hears hoofbeats as Morik approaches on the draft horse. The druid arrives momentarily, just as the faerie fire is fading from the tips of the ogre's donkey ears. The night seems dark by contrast, and Princess sings a clear, high-pitched note and the tattoo of a rose on the inside of her right arm glows, shedding a warm red light. By the light of the rose, she climbs back up into the wagon and starts rummaging around to find the part of a goblin with her dagger in it.
You're in the woods with the Belany's damaged wagon. Not too far to the north is the caravan, its firelight still visible through the trees. Somewhere further in the direction the ogre was pulling the wagon (roughly south by southwest) is the camp of Zik, mastermind of this ambush. What do you do now?
Ogre punch at Bramlin AC14, bludgeoning damage on a hit - (1d20+6, 2d8+4)
1d20+6 : (5) + 6 = 11
2d8+4 : (21) + 4 = 7